That property could not be found.

What a bloody row, Neighbours from hell.

Just sat down to what I was hoping would be a nice quiet evening only to hear some very poor quality singing / shouting from the Consum area, talk about loud, it’s drowning my TV out. No wonder locals complain about rowdy bars. Begs the question, why so loud ???

La Marina

Es una fiesta para una noche
única. Porque quejarse, no vale la pena?

It's a party for just tonight. Why complain, is it really worth the trouble?

Commented KT in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:01:28 UTC

Golfer, you have now challenged the bar owners and some "music" lovers. No names! You will certainly be accused of being a person who hate music. Just wait and see!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:07:46 UTC

Golfer (who ever) why hide behind a name??? If you have a problem. Stand up at the town hall or, local police station with bar & restaurant owners and state WHY. I was just at the fiesta and it was not LOUD..Jimmy Dean was playing CD music there were people dancing upstairs and now a couple of bands have started to play...Get a life and come outside for a change instead of staying indoors and watching boring British TV.

Commented 1st Call Property Services SL in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:15:23 UTC

I like music, however this is beyond reasonable, it's way too loud. It's not even good singing. I think this calls for a visit from the Autonomic Police, lets see just how legal this is.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:27:20 UTC

¿Es una fiesta para
una noche
única. Porque
quejarse, no vale la

It's a party for just tonight. Why
complain, is it really worth the

Commented KT in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:29:42 UTC

Quizás una visita de 'Autonmic' Gatita tambien? :-)

Maybe a visit from 'Autonmic' Kitten too? :-)

Commented KT in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:44:21 UTC

The noise you are complaining about is a mini fiesta, since you departed this area, we appear to of had lots of them, normally in aid of a charity, all the ones I have been to have finished at midnight at the latest, I don't think any have been closed down yet. They are normally granted to bars in groups and all have the correct Licenses.
The funny thing tonight is that it is in aid of 'keep live music alive in Spain', and if you would like to pop down to The Hogs Head and The George, (who are tonights sponsors,) you perhaps could sign the petition, that is going the rounds in these bars.
Lets not worry too much, this is the first time in ages that you have been here, if you was a member of facebook,you could of joined the pages dedicated to this cause. I don't think too many more are planned, but if you like, I could always mention them on here, so that You could make alternative plans, (a round of torchlight Golf could be a real barrel of laughs).
Cant give you my opinion of the CD's being played, I cant get there before about Ten tonight, and cannot hear a sound from where I live

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-11 17:49:43 UTC

Golfer, surprised?

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-10-12 14:40:38 UTC

Did you hear Jeff`s speech, I heard it was one of his best.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-12 14:49:34 UTC